yesmovies The Croods: A New Age [2020] Google Drive Mp4

  • USA
  • genre - Animation
  • Year - 2020
  • directed by - Joel Crawford

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Everybody is here talking about a possible love triangle and there's me, here thinking that the new characters might actually be Guy's parents and sister😅. Yabba Dabba Doo. Another glorious morning RiiiIIiiiIiight! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣.

0:13 Me when I didn't passed the exam. I seen that movie in my middle school i like it i never thought they make a sequel. I'm I the only one who doesn't like the animation design. Everybody gangsta until Adam and Eve showed up. Second person to like this coment is PRETTY. The effective kill circle comment is my new fave, aside of Peanut toe.

It is really effective to read comments FIRST😂

Omg I knew there was going to be a crods 2. Grugg: No never apologize for effective kill circle. I hope in the sequel they meet some new friends. It looks funny tbh. The animation does not look the same as the first film. I still like this movie even though it was not croods 2. I already saw this movie but i still watched it. Is this even the croods. I just heard that a international trailer for Wanda vision are all the same but one country apparently had a October 30 release date ? What that's the same day as mandolorian.

Its been 7 years and the little girl still hasent aged neither had the grandma died 😭. I NeVEr HaD A GiRL Friend BEfOrE. I'm actually watching the Crood 1 after watching this traler. I hope this doesnt ruin the Croods like almost every sequel does. Guy better not fall in wuv with the other girl or ima get pissed 😤. “TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE! ” Well thats epic words. THIS ISNT THE CROODS. The way she jump with the girl in her hands omg. When you forgot about a movie you made 7 years ago. So Guy found his family Eep got a girlfriend iNtErStiNg. 8 years later ha ı feel like (g)old in first time.




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